We graphically illustrate safety materials for effect. We find that users of all walks of life and languages have a much easier time grasping the subject matter that way. Illustration is inherently multilingual.

Safety policy and training in American companies is a polyglot that takes years to understand fully. Our workbooks are understood quickly and students keep copies which furthers ongoing understanding. You could call the workbooks trainers themselves. This is a force multiplier and the reason we have many times been told that their mass use in a company changes the culture. That success is by design.
Currently our workbooks are displayed at GraphicSafety.com as we develop this new website. Eventually they will all be displayed here.
We have illustrated a wide variety of HSE issues over the past 25 years We are versatile and add value to communication projects. If you want to explore having our involvement on an illustrated policy/training project or video editing project you can contact me at Wade@HSEIllustrated.com.
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